Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Conversation... an art that we cannot let slip away as we become more and more dependent on technology.  I know that it is easier and quicker to send an email or text to get your message or question to someone.  But, with clients and team members, you can't under estimate the power of meeting in person and really having a conversation.

I don't mean a transactional dialogue where you're just exchanging facts.  I mean a real conversation where you are listening (not looking at your smartphone or checking email on your laptop) and participating.  It's amazing how much trust and understanding is built when you are able to look someone in the eye, read their body language and actually hear the words being said as they're intended.  I think that more problems and conflicts could be avoided if we just took the time to walk over to talk with a team member - try and solve the problem together instead of just pushing your own views back and forth in writing.  When taking feedback from a client, it's so much better to understand the context behind their changes or to hear why they are satisfied or dissatisfied.  Not every situation warrants an in-person meeting.  Sometimes a phone call can be just as effective.  And, in many instances, email can be the best choice for communicating if the information being shared is mutually understood.

The 'art' is knowing when this just isn't enough.  It's knowing when it's necessary to take the time to have a ready to listen (whether the news is good or bad or just information you need to perform better).  Be ready to participate (honestly and authentically).  Be ready to problem solve and own decisions.

Technology advances with computers and smartphones make it almost a requirement to be available at all times.  And, it's an expectation that you'll reply right away.  What the technologies don't offer is a 'stop and think' button so that we are thoughtful and smart about replies; considerate of how the message comes through to the recipient; able to give us a clue that it's time for a conversation. 

I feel so much more connected to clients, co-workers, family and friends after we spend time together.  The better you know a person, the stronger your relationship, and the quicker you can resolve a problem or come up with a great idea together.  Make real connections...not just clicking buttons on social media.  Take the extra time to have a conversation.  It's worth it.

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