Friday, September 9, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

Every year about this time I start to review website after website about various conferences to attend.  The problem is that the conferences that are most relevant to our clients at Eire, and my particular areas of concentration all occur at just about the same time in September and October.  Deciding which conference to attend can be difficult.  After all, when you read their promotional websites and excerpts from the speakers, all the events sound worthwhile.  Of course, there is the occasional “panel” that doesn’t quite seem to fit when you put all the members together.  But overall, the exhibitors, speakers and topics are intriguing.  And, when I attend a conference and network with current clients, vendors and prospective clients – it’s energizing.

Then, there is the cost of the conference to consider and just how do you attach value or your return on investment to what you spend.  The cost for the event can be as low as $500 and upwards of $2,000, plus the lost time out of the office working for current clients and travel expenses.  When I started in marketing, there were only two or three conventions to attend in direct marketing, and each year you went where your clients were going.  We would go to the DMA for up to 4-5 days and enjoy client service, meeting new vendors and prospects, socializing and learning through workshops and the exhibit hall.  Now, there are specialized conferences for just about every aspect of marketing, and they are often times more enticing than the larger format “general” sessions.   If I don’t attend, I could be missing out…by the next time I write, I will report in on my decision and if I received value for my time and financial investment.  I’m going to take another look now.

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