Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Age of Persuasion.

Last summer I took a 6-week class at the Chicago Botanic Garden. It started at 7:30am, which meant that I was in the car at 6:30 to accommodate a stop for coffee. This may have been the only time in recent memory that I was regularly up-and-at-'em so early on a weekend. It turned out to be one of my favorite things about the class, and the whole summer, really. And what made it so great, besides no traffic on the Edens, was a show on WBEZ called "The Age of Persuasion."

I had taken the gardening class as I diversion from work, but I found the show so entertaining, informative and thought-provoking, that it ending up sticking with me for the whole day. "The Age of Persuasion" is from CBC Radio in Canada and is hosted by Terry O'Reilly and produced by Mike Tennant. The show "explores the countless ways marketers permeate your life, from media, art, and language, to politics, religion, and fashion." The show has a lot dry, even self-depreciating humor along with the history of the advertising industry. The commentary always promotes smart, creative marketing and seems to prove over and over how successful this kind of advertising can be.

At the end of the class I realized that I wouldn't be catching the radio broadcast of the show anymore and, knowing myself, knew I wouldn't wake up early on a Saturday morning to listen to it. Fortunately, there is a podcast to subscribe to on iTunes. And this has worked out even better for me. I can now listen to episodes on the El or on my drive to Michigan on Fridays.

The episodes are an easily digestible half-hour and with a good range of topics so that they don't get boring if listened to back-to-back. Some great episodes include: ""Mad Women: The Great Women of Advertising," "It's Not Easy Being Green: Green Marketing" and" Caution: Speed Bumps. The Magical Ingredient in Marketing." Also, the website has a lot of YouTube videos and pics of the ads discussed.

Here are some links if you're interested in checking out "The Age of Persuasion" for yourself.

(There is a link to subscribe to the podcast through iTunes)

(The show airs Saturdays at 6:30am and Thursdays at 11:30am on WBEZ 91.5)

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