Wednesday, June 15, 2011

CrossFit Anyone?

If you happened to see the last Cloverleaf, you may have read about Marcia being chosen as "Athlete of the Month" at our gym, Atlas CrossFit. Have you ever heard of CrossFit?

A friend of mine who lives in Portland had shared a bit with me about his experience with this up-and-coming "sport", but I had no idea what I was getting myself into... At the end of October, 2009, I noticed a sign, mentioned it to Katy, and before I knew what was happening she'd gotten a bunch of us here at the office to go for a free introductory class. I hadn't been to a gym in years, and besides swimming occasionally, exercise wasn't really a part of my routine.

After that first day, I could barely make it up and down stairs for the next week, let alone walk down the 6 steps to exit the building that night. Many of us felt the same way, and it's actually a phenomenon I have heard almost all new people at the gym describe after their first few classes. But for some reason, I was motivated by Katy to continue going back. We made it through our Basic Training sessions, and then started to attend group classes regularly.

CrossFit is described as, "Constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement." Every day the workout is different – and a surprise. Our classes are an hour long, with a group warm-up, strength or skill work, and then the workout itself, which usually last between 15 and 30 minutes. Short, but fast and intense. Besides a rower, there are no machines. Most exercises and combinations of exercises use your own body weight (think air squats, push-ups, burpees) and free weights (like dumbells, barbells, kettlebells), and there is always a strong emphasis on form – proper execution makes it "easier" to lift heavier weights.

So, I've been CrossFitting now for a little over a year and a half (with a couple hiatuses) and I have to say I still love it. It's really hard, and I often question why I am torturing myself doing it, but I'm never bored. Never. It's difficult to drag myself there, but I always feel better, even great, afterwards. And as much as I complain about it, I love being sore/stiff. I also really love being able to track my progress and see myself getting stronger and faster.

I encourage you to give CrossFit a try if you are looking for a new motivation to exercise or to simply to mix up your routine. About a year ago we got Marcia to start the classes, and not only did she get hooked, she was recognized with our gym's top honor!

If I've peaked your curiosity, here are a few links to check out. You can also email me if you have questions!

CrossFit main website
Every Second Counts (amazing documentary – including a short trailer – of CrossFit Games)
Hillary's CrossFit (my own blog recording my progress)
My Gym's Vimeo (Workouts and interviews by Athletes of the Month)

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